About the Digital PER_SEN project!

COVID-19 Pandemic threw the schools all over the world in a dark age in the spring of 2020. But always after storm come the sun and crossing a line after an year also good things emerged from this, many actors in education have exceeded their limits. Still there is much more to do in order the pupils who passed or are still passing through online school experience to get over it or to incorporate it into everyday life. Even when the social and emotional aspects are an issue for all, when we talk about special education needs children and students the damages are even worse, because it is less about knowledge and more about development in all important areas: cognition, language, motricity, perception, even basic skills.

Teachers all over the world were struggling during last year to find the proper way to work with their student from home. Even when having basic ICT skills, nobody was prepared for this.Digital PER_SEN comes as a solutiion, offering the “know how” through our Practical Guide and examples of good practices through Virtual library. For ages special and inclusive schools worked to discover practical methods of working face to face with our project target group, however now we aim to learn and provide new approaches and ICT solutions in special education.


Phases of Implementation

The implementation plan of Digital PER_SEN project is divided into 7 different phases:

Phase 1

Organisation and implementation of workshops for teachers both on local and international level where to share their experiences during online school and suitable tools to create and adapt digital materials.

Phase 2

Development of digital materials (movies, virtual stories, PPT, educational platforms activities, etc) suitable both for online and face to face activities adapted/destined to special educational needs learners from special or inclusive schools, designed to be used or translated in all 8 languages on the areas of: cognitive development, language and communication, motricity, sensory stimulation, basic skills and socio-emotional development and age level: primary and gymnasium/vocational.

Phase 3

Pilot phase of digital materials in classes.

Phase 4

Development of the Practical Guide where describing the necessary steps, resources and practical examples.

Phase 5

Publication of the digital materials in a public library open on the project web-site and promotion through various channels: educational platforms, Facebook pages, WhatsApp groups, YouTube channel, etc.
Phase 6

Opening a discussion forum group for professional and parents on the project web page for sharing ideas, asking and offering advices, etc.

Phase 7

Digital PER_SEN Marathon Conferences addressed to professional community where presenting: the virtual library, the Guide and workshops about using ICT in school activity for interested specialists.


Newsletter 1

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Leaflet 1


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