To reduce the negative effects imposed on SEN students and their teachers and families by the online school period.


Developing ICT (Information Communication Technology) skills of creating digital materials to teachers working with SEN students

Developing ICT skills of using digital tools and materials to teachers working with SEN students

Increasing the responsible behavior of the teachers working with SEN students towards online education and/or using ICT in education

Increasing the responsible behavior of the SEN parents towards online education and/or using ICT in education

Facilitating SEN student development and/or regress limitation after online education during pandemic period by using ICT/digital materials and methods


Who will benefit?
Direct beneficiaries
  • Teachers (Special Education Needs teachers, support teachers, subject teachers working with SEN students, IT teachers)
  • Psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists
  • School counsellors
Indirect beneficiaries
  • Special Education Needs students
  • Special Education Needs students families
  • Anyone interested in the topic



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