Showing 1-20 of 23 Books
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OBJECTIVES: Checking the sense used for different situations. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes questions associated with images. For each question, there are three possible answers in the form of images. After choosing the answer, the student has access to the solution, which will be marked with a circle. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to VET APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Secondary, Sensory Stimulation Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Identification of objects that can be found in the bedroom DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes 1 game of identifying objects that can be part of the " bedroom", and associating the word with the corresponding image. It is presented in the form of a diagram, but allows the student to change the model, according to his/her interests. When finished, the student sends the answers that are automatically corrected with a graphic and sound signal that identifies the correct and the wrong. There is a chronometer that makes it possible to check the time running. With the correction, a...
Category: Basic Skills, Development Areas, Levels, Primary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Checking correct/appropriate attitudes. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity consists of a statement concerning a picture. The student must check whether the statement is correct or not. Each option has an image associated with a sound that indicates whether the answer is right or not. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to Secondary APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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CILJI: Preveriti ali je izjava pravilna ali napačna. OPIS in/ali NAVODILO: Aktivnost vključuje izjave o prikazani sliki. Učenev mora preveriti, ali je izjava pravilna ali ne. Zvok označuje, ali je odgovor pravilen ali ne. DODATNE INFORMACIJE: uporabno tudi za nižje poklicno izobraževanje APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Cognitive Development, Development Areas, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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CILJI: Prepoznavanje vrednosti denarja. OPIS in/ali NAVODILA: Ta dejavnost vključuje 2 medsebojno povezani aktivnosti. Eno za prepoznavanje denarja in drugo za prepoznavanje vrednosti denarja.  Izvršitev igre je avtomatska inučenec ob koncu lahko vidi rezultat, na koliko vprašanj je odgovoril pravilno in na koliko skupaj. Poleg tega se šteje čas igre. Na koncu je prikazan rezultat in čas. Učenec lahko vidi tudi lestvico, odgovore ali aktivnost začne znova. DODATNE INFORMACIJE: uporabno tudi v nižjem poklicnem izobraževanju APP / PROGRAM: Wordwall
Category: Basic Skills, Development Areas, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Identification game associating the word with the corresponding image. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes 1 emotion identification game associating the word with the corresponding image. It is presented in the form of an airplane, in which the student must use the computer keyboard or mouse to fly to the correct answers and avoid the incorrect ones. It allows the student to change the model, according to his/her interests. There is a stopwatch that makes it possible to check the time elapsing. Each correct and wrong answer is accompanied by a graphic and sound signal. It allows you to...
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Secondary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Identification of parts of the human body, associating the word with the corresponding image. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes 1 game of identifying the parts of the human body, and associating the word with the corresponding image. It is presented in the form of balloon popping, but allows the student to change the model, according to their interests. It has three levels. It allows stopping the activity and starting over or resuming. There is a stopwatch that allows you to check the time elapsing. Each right and wrong answer is accompanied by a graphic and sound signal. At...
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Psychomotor Skills, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Identify the correct picture as comprehension of a story. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity consists of two exercises: a story with images and an instruction associated with two images. The student will have to choose the corresponding image.  For each option, there is an image associated with a sound that indicates whether or not the answer is correct. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to VET APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Language and Communication, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Identification and quantification of the money DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes 2 games. One for money recognition and another for quantity identification. The application has 2 distinct success and error sounds. When the student makes a mistake, the application indicates the correct answer. The execution of the game is automatic and the student can see the score of how many questions he gets right and how many in total. In addition, the time of the game is counted. In the end, the score and the time used are shown. The student can also see the leaderboard, and the...
Category: Cognitive Development, Development Areas, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Making a cake. Checking for understanding of the recipe. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes a recipe, successfully tested, for a cake. The instructions associate words with pictures. It also includes exercises in the form of a statement concerning a picture. The student must check whether the statement is correct or not. For each option, there is an image associated with a sound that indicates whether the answer is correct. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to VET APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Sensory Stimulation Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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CILJI: Preveriti ali je izjava pravilna ali ne (glede na sliko) OPIS in/sli NAVODILA: Ta dejavnost je sestavljena iz izjave o sliki. Učenčeva naloga je, da preveri, ali je izjava pravilna ali ne. Zvokom označuje, ali je odgovor pravilen ali ne. DODATNE INFORMACIJE: uporabno tudi na sekundarni stopnji APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Language and Communication, Levels, Primary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Check whether the statement is correct or not (according to the picture). DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity consists of a statement concerning a picture. The student has to check whether the statement is correct or not. For each option, there is an image associated with a sound that indicates whether the answer is right or not. ADITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to Secondary APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Language and Communication, Levels, Primary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Identification and association of number and quantity DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes 2 mismatched games on visual recognition of numbers and quantities by the student (one for number recognition and one for associated). The application shows the misses. The execution of the games is automatic, and students can see the score after each answer and the rating at the end of the game. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable in secondary; also applicable to basic skills. APP / PROGRAM: “Kahoot”
Category: Cognitive Development, Development Areas, Levels, Primary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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CILJI: Prepoznati pravilno sliko kot razumevanje zgodbe. OPIS in /ali NAVODILA: Ta dejavnost je sestavljena iz dveh vaj: zgodbe s slikami in navodila, povezanega s slikama. Učenec mora izbrati ustrezno podobo. Za vsako možnost je slika povezana z zvokom, ki označuje, ali je odgovor pravilen ali ne. DODATNE INFORMACIJE: uprabno tudi v nižjem poklicnem izobraževanju APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Language and Communication, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Building a Puzzle. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes an image divided into several pieces that the student will have to build. The platform allows you to choose the number of pieces to use, insert or exclude the shadow at the base of the puzzle, as well as other options, according to the student's profile. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to VET APP / PROGRAM: I’m a puzzle
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Psychomotor Skills Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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CILJI: Prepoznati negativno izjavo glede na prikazano sliko.  OPIS in/ali NAVODILA: Ta dejavnost je sestavljena iz izjave o sliki. Učenčeva naloga je, da preveri, ali je izjava pravilna ali ne. Z zvokom je označeno, ali je odgovor pravilen ali ne. DODATNE INFORMACIJE: Uporabno tudi v nižjem poklicnem izobraževanju APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Language and Communication, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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CILJI: Prepoznavanje predmetov, ki jih najdemo v spalnici OPIS in/ali NAVODILO: Ta dejavnost vključuje igro prepoznavanja predmetov, ki so lahko del " spalnice". Gre za povezovanje besede z ustrezno sliko. Predstavljen je v obliki diagrama, vendar program učencu omogoča, da spremeni model, glede na njegove interese. Ko konča, učenec potrdi odgovore. Z grafičnim in zvočnim signalom, prikaže, ali so odgovori pravilni oz. napačni. Učenec lahko meru tudi čas reševanja naloge. Prikaže se tudi tabela z doseženim rezultatom, časom in razvrstitvijo. Učenci lahko dejavnost opravljajo tolikokrat, kot si želijo. DODATNE INFORMAVIJE: uporabno tudi na Sekundarni stopnji APP / PROGRAM: Wordwall
Category: Basic Skills, Development Areas, Levels, Primary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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CILJI: Prepoznavanje in združevanje števila s količinsko predstavo OPIS in/ali NAVODILO: Ta dejavnost vključuje 2 igrici. Ena za prepoznavanje številk, druga pa za povezovanje številk s količino. Naloge prikazuje napačne odgovore. Izvršitev igre je avtomatska in učenec lahko vidi rezultat po vsakem odgovoru, ob koncu igre pa tudi razvrstitev.  DODATNE INFORMACIJE: uporabna tudi v sekundarni stopnj, ravno tako pa se lahko uporablja pri razvoju kategoriji osnovnih spretnosti. APP / PROGRAM: “Kahoot”
Category: Cognitive Development, Development Areas, Levels, Primary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Identifying the negative statement according to the picture. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity consists of a statement concerning a picture. The student must check whether the statement is correct or not. For each option, there is an image associated with a sound that indicates whether the answer is right or not. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to VET APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Language and Communication, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Check whether the statement is correct or not (according to the picture). DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity consists of a statement concerning a picture. The student must check whether the statement is correct or not. For each option, there is an image associated with a sound that indicates whether the answer is right or not. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to Professional APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Cognitive Development, Development Areas, Levels, Secondary Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.