Showing 1-13 of 13 Books
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OBJECTIVES: Develop communication skills at the workplace. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity is based on interactive teaching. It includes a social story which is developed in 4 stages. The teacher poses the questions and students answer them. Students' answers appear on the board. There is room for discussion of feelings and thoughts that arise. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable in Secondary. APP/PROGRAM: Live worksheets.
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Socio-emotional Skills, Vocational Author:Maria Liodi, teacher of language at Special Vocational school of Athens, Greece (EN.E.E.GY.L Athens)
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OBJECTIVES: Checking correct/appropriate attitudes. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity consists of a statement concerning a picture. The student must check whether the statement is correct or not. Each option has an image associated with a sound that indicates whether the answer is right or not. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable to Secondary APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: Creatıng emotıon awareness ın specıal educatıon chıldren DESCRIPTION and INSTRUCTIONS: The aim of this activity is to create emotional awareness in special education children, and students have the opportunity to imitate, read draw and do activities in this activity. In addition, the student learns to Express himself in front of the group and to imitate emotions. This application is suitable for both in-class and online. APP / PROGRAM:
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:School counselor Hamide Madyan, class teacher Sabiha Hilal from Zubeyde Hanim Ilkokulu, Istanbul, Turkiye
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OBJECTIVES: Recognising and distinguishing different emotions DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity asks students to identify different emotions and name them. They also recognise the differences between different responses. It is particularly suitable for students with autism spectrum disorder. APP / PROGRAM: H5p
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Secondary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:SEN teacher Petra Nedog from Primary School IV Murska Sobota, Murska Sobota - Slovenia
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OBJECTIVES: The ability to recognize basic emotions DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: Exercises have been prepared for children with intellectual disabilities who cannot or have big difficulties in recognizing emotions on people's faces. They learn to analyze the parts of the face - the look of the eyes, mouth, and eyebrows and determine the feelings of others. Four emotions were selected in the presentation - joy, anger, sadness, and fear, which are very different from each other. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also Applicable in Secondary. APP / PROGRAM: Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:Speech therapist Dorota Bajak, Specjalny Zespół Szkolno-Rewalidacyjny Rybnik Poland
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DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: Exercises have been prepared for children with intellectual disabilities who cannot or have big difficulties in recognizing emotions on people's face. They learn to analyze the parts of the face - the look of the eyes, mouth, eyebrows and determine the feelings of others. Four emotions were selected in the presentation - joy, anger, sadness and fear, which are very different from each other. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also Applicable in Secondary. APP / PROGRAM: Wordwall, Microsoft PowerPoint
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:Speech therapist Dorota Bajak, Specjalny Zespół Szkolno-Rewalidacyjny Rybnik Poland
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OBJECTIVES: Identification game associating the word with the corresponding image. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: This activity includes 1 emotion identification game associating the word with the corresponding image. It is presented in the form of an airplane, in which the student must use the computer keyboard or mouse to fly to the correct answers and avoid the incorrect ones. It allows the student to change the model, according to his/her interests. There is a stopwatch that makes it possible to check the time elapsing. Each correct and wrong answer is accompanied by a graphic and sound signal. It allows you to...
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Secondary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:ICT teacher Adão Brochado e SEN teachers Marina Magalhães and Sílvia Ribeiro from Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela, Portugal.
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OBJECTIVES: To be able to understand happy and sad emotions DESCRIPTION and INSTRUCTIONS: This activity consists of videos for teaching happy and sad feelings. The student watches the event in the video and chooses whether the girl in the video is happy or sad by clicking on the option that appears on the screen. When the student guesses correctly, the sound of applause is heard and the next video is automatically switched. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It can also be used in the pre-school period according to the characteristics of the student. APP / PROGRAM: Edpuzzle
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:SEN teacher Hilal Pehlivan, SEN teacher Hatice Beroje from Zubeyde Hanim Ilkokulu, SEN teacher Gonul Yorgan, Turkey
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OBJECTIVES: Recognize and associate a situation with an emotion DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS script: The memory game is aimed at recognizing emotions in a certain situation. This game is played by pairing images. A pair of pictures represents an emotional expression and a situation that evokes that emotion. The game ends when the player finds all 4 pairs. A correctly connected pair turns gray. In the lower-left corner, there is information about the time spent and the number of attempts. APP / PROGRAM: H5P
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:Psychologist Daša Letica, Primary school IV Murska Sobota
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OBJECTIVES: Recognition of the own emotions learned before (happiness, sadness, angry, fear) in different life situations;  understanding the relation between event-though-emotion; using art therapy to express emotions. DESCRIPTION/INSTRUCTIONS: The activities will be chosen according to the level of the children. If you cannot access the wordwall game, use the static version. For the last part of the activity, sheets of paper containing an empty circle and drawing tools will be prepared. APP / PROGRAM: CANVA, Wordwall
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Secondary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:Special education teacher Mirela Herlaș, SEN psychologist Teodora Pantazi from School Centre of Inclusive Education No.1 Oradea, România
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OBJECTIVES: The ability to match emotions to the situation. DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: The online game teaches the ability to match emotions to the situation. In the game, we also get to know the emotions that are reflected by the PCS symbols.  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also Applicable in Primary. APP / PROGRAM: Wordwall
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Secondary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:Special educator Elwira Skutek, Specjalny Zespół Szkolno-Rewalidacyjny Rybnik Poland
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OBJECTIVES: Develop communication skills at the workplace  DESCRIPTION and/or INSTRUCTIONS: Based on social stories presenting possible conflicts at the workplace. Students have to choose the proper reaction (multiple choice) ADITIONAL INFORMATION: Also applicable in Secondary APP / PROGRAM: Liveworksheets
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Socio-emotional Skills, Vocational Author:Maria Liodi, teacher of language at Special Vocational school of Athens, Greece (EN.E.E.GY.L Athens)
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OBJECTIVES: Strengthening students' knowledge about emotions and feelings, identifying and recognizing basic emotions appearing in various contexts, discovering one's own personal emotions and those of others INSTRUCTIONS: To benefit  from the interactive features of this presentation, please view it in Slide Show mode APP/PROGRAM: CANVA
Category: Development Areas, Levels, Primary, Socio-emotional Skills Author:Special education teacher Arion Nicoleta Alina, Special education teacher Balint Paula Anamaria from School Center for Inclusive Education nr.1nr.1, Oradea